GET /cardholders?q=firstName:joe AND age:[20 TO 30]
PT APIs Status Codes
200 – OK
Everything is working
A new resource has been created
The resource was successfully deleted, no response body
The date returned is cached data (data has not changed)
The request was invalid or cannot be served. The exact error should be explained in the error payload. E.g. „The JSON is not valid “.
The request requires user authentication. Find details in the Error codes table.
The server understood the request but is refusing it or the access is not allowed. Find details in the Error codes table.
There is no resource behind the URI. Find details in the Error codes table.
This is a generic error response with no details. If an unhandled error occurs on the server-side then the stack trace will be logged and not returned as a response. Find details in the Error codes table.
Error Codes:
HTTP Response Code | Error Code | Error Message | Error Description |
400 | 400001 | invalid query parameters | Invalid HTTP query parameters were used in the request |
400 | 400002 | invalid header parameters | Invalid HTTP header parameters were used in the request |
400 | 400003 | invalid JSON parameters | Invalid JSON parameters were used in the request |
400 | 400004 | failed precondition | Request cannot be executed in the current system state |
400 | 400005 | out of range | Client specified an invalid range for the request parameter |
401 | 401001 | expired login credentials | API credentials have expired and new credentials must be generated |
401 | 401002 | invalid login credentials | The provided credentials don't match a provisioned credentials |
402 | 402001 | account creation error | A PT system error occurred when creating the account |
402 | 402002 | account inactive due to fraud | The account has been deactivated due to potentially fraudulent activity |
402 | 402003 | account is charged off | The Account has been closed due to inactivity |
402 | 402004 | cardholder not active | The Cardholder status is not active |
402 | 402005 | destination account limit violation | The transfer failed because a load limit on the destination account was violated |
402 | 402006 | destination account velocity violation | The transfer failed because a velocity limit on the destination account was violated |
402 | 402007 | duplicate cardholder | A Cardholder with this identity already exists |
402 | 402008 | duplicate email | A Cardholder with this email already exists |
402 | 402009 | duplicate mobile | A Cardholder with this mobile already exists |
402 | 402010 | insufficient funds | There were not enough funds to cover the transaction |
402 | 402011 | source account velocity violation | The transfer failed because a velocity limit on the source account was violated |
402 | 402012 | transaction denied | The simulated authorization was denied |
403 | 403001 | not permitted | An action was performed that is not allowed |
403 | 403002 | permission denied | Client does not have sufficient permission |
404 | 404001 | not found | A specified resource is not found |
409 | 409001 | already exists | The resource that a client tried to create already exists. |
499 | 499001 | canceled | Request canceled by the client |
500 | 500001 | error contacting server | Unable to communicate with PT’s backend services |
500 | 500002 | system exception | Generic PT system exception that is unhandled |
501 | 501001 | not implemented | API method not implemented by the server |
503 | 503001 | unavailable | Service unavailable |
Term | Description | |
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