Onboarding Checklist_ 2024
Onboarding Checklist
To be used by Implementations Managers during client onboarding. This document contains details on items and topics IMs must cover and consider during the Implementations phase. Please use this as a guide to assist you in leading the implementation and planning for a successful rollout. You mau form your own Project Plans and Client Outreach/Cadence based on this checklist, but all items must be reviewed with the client and internal teams prior to launch.
Reach out to Abby if you wish to update/edit anything in the document.
Prior to Client Contact
Check the following documents are complete in the client contract and SalesForce:
☐ Effective Date of contract entered (page one)
☐ Company name on contract entered (page one)
☐ Contract signed by Dash and client (page five)
☐ Address on agreement is NOT a PO Box
☐ Beneficial Ownership page present and signed (if required)
☐ Virtual funding account (Exhibit B) page present and signed (if needed)
☐ Exhibit E (BSA / AML) page present and signed (if needed)
☐ API/FTP Addendum present and signed (if required)
☐ Program Description provided in Notes section
Follow the below steps to verify the client: (may move to Fraud team at some point, but for now, IM handles). If anything looks suspicious, please reach out to Caroline/Fraud team and cc Abby.
Verified the google business address:
☐ Make sure not a residential dwelling and is a business type structure
☐ Matches the address on the agreement (i.e., state, zip code, street number, etc.)
☐ Area code of business address matches the area code of client contact
Reviewed client contact email address for:
☐ Non-business email address (Gmail, yahoo, etc.)
☐ Slight alterations / misspellings
☐ Email checkers to use are:
Verified the company website aligns with other data:
☐ “Contact us” address matches business address provided
☐ “Contact us” area code / phone number matches contact number provided
☐ “Contact us” email address matches email address provided
CSM/AM Assignment
If client is over $7.5m, confirm CSM is listed in SF. If not, reach out to Abby. She will contact Kristin or Sarah.
If client is over $2.5m & looks to need Dedicated AM, confirm AM is listed in SF. If not, reach out to Abby. She will contact Tracey.
Initial Client Contact/Kickoff Call
FastTrack (No integration, No DOS, Standard deal – nothing unique)
Initial Client Contact – phone call/email
☐ Introduction phone call and email to client – Sales lead copied on email
☐ Include CSM/AM when applicable.
☐ Leverage Program Description/Notes field to confirm the use-case with client – WHY they are using our solution?
☐ Ask client ”what confirms this project/program is successful?/ What does success look like to you?” so we know the problem we are solving and can ensure the client gets what they need. ”What is needed for you to launch/go-live?”
☐Confirm Process Flow – ordering, loading, redemption
☐Confirm the loader and load method – ACH or VFA
☐ Confirm quantity of cards (number of Employees on checks or number of Cards for non-Payroll clients) and update Number of Cards Ordered field as needed in SF
☐ Confirm Launch Date/Proposed Go-Live date and adjust in SF as needed
☐ Discuss timelines – (branding considerations, shipping times, training/testing, etc.)
☐ Send Employee Packet for Payroll clients
☐ Send and Explain the Client Journey – discuss what phase they are in now, introduce AM/CSM
☐Discuss any Reporting Requirements
☐ Ask/suggest that you send them a test card so they can see the process start to finish – Activating the card, using the app/ch website, calling IVR, etc.
Verified no other suspicious activity:
☐ Client did not requests address change
☐ Client does not want cards shipped to a different address than business address
☐ Client is not in an odd rush
☐ Client does not want to fund cards virtually vs ACH (for Payroll)
☐ Client does not want a large quantity of cards on initial order (for Payroll)
DOS/Integration/Unique Client
Confirm you understand the business need – work with Sales/Biz Dev/Product to ensure you have all necessary information needed for kickoff call
Ask Sales to coordinate the official Handoff to IM call with the client – include AMs and CSMs; include Engineering and Product if necessary. And always add Abby to these kickoffs.
Create a deck or visuals for the client – leverage previous decks from other clients, generic Implementations Deck, Marketing slides, etc. to review the program onboarding expectations.
Include: Program parameters, Hierarchy, Funds Flow, Branding options, Collateral, Integration options/suggestions, Process Flows, Issuance (order/register), Loads, Cardholder Redemption (cardholder website & activation), Cardholder Website/App, Reporting Requirements, Support Model, Cardholder Experience, Testing, Rollout/Launch Plans and Timing, Cadence Call structure, Custom Materials needed for launch.
You do not need to have this buttoned up day one, but the idea is to work through these steps throughout the implementation.
Program Setup/Configurations - Additional items to confirm/review w/ ALL clients
Program Configurations Review (some of these are portal configurations but need to be in your mind during those early discussions)
☐ Confirm Product - review subprogram parameters
☐ Activation Method
☐ Confirm if BIN is tokenized w/ Tiffany/Tonya/Cassie (if client can utilize Add to Wallet feature)
☐ Determine if card-not-present transactions will be common. Review SecurLock (get w/ Tonya/Caroline as needed to prep for potential failures)
☐ Digital and/or Physical
If Digital, IM to Setup/Confirm and Configure the following:
☐ Validation Method
☐ Digital Email Design
☐ Digital Email Submitted to Pathward for approval
☐Collateral Request Form submitted (for card)
☐ Digital Email configured in Portal
☐Digital Card Image added in Portal
If Physical, IM to Setup/Confirm the following:
☐ Collateral Request Form submitted (for card and/or carrier)
☐ Design/Mockup shared w/ client
☐ Client approves final version
☐ New Package updated in portal (new package/program configured for Reward)
If using Send IT:
☐ Subprogram T&Cs updated and live
☐ Features enabled in Portal Program Configuration
☐ Enable modalities (all 5 when needed)
☐ Enable v2 T&Cs
☐ Confirm all ”checkboxes” are enabled to accept T&Cs - both, Privacy Policy, e-Sign, Short Form (under Agreement section)
If using dash.digital:
☐ Subprogram approved for dash.digital
☐ All collateral mentions dash.digital
☐ Site configuration in Portal
☐ PPS ticket submitted to create subdomain
☐ Site tested and approved by client: card ordered, email received (if digital), card redeemed, branding approved. (Everything has been tested and is working)
Process Flow Confirmation
☐ Card issuance/ordering - API, FTP, Portal
☐ Flow of funds - ACH and/or VFA? (who is the loader?)
☐ If Payroll client, VFA approved.
☐ Confirm client has ACH capabilities
☐ Confirm Hierarchy/sub-clients (considering API/FTP folders and groups)
☐ Cardholder Site confirmed
☐ Order client test card as needed – to confirm client understands UX (receiving card, activation, app usage, etc.)
☐ Reporting Requirements identified & outlined
☐ Confirm Portal Users/expected usage
☐ Cardholder Experience confirmed – activation and usage
☐ Client & Cardholder Support/Servicing Model reviewed – AM/CSM contacts
☐ Schedule demo/training
☐ Follow up phone call and email to client if FT
If you have not heard back from the client after 10 business days, send email to the Sales lead, informing them they need to reach back out to client.
Client Setup/Portal Setup
☐ Client set up in FIS for Client ID
☐ TPA submitted in PartnerPass for Pathward approval
☐ ClientID added in unique ID in PP
☐ VFA clientID adding in unique ID field in PP
☐ Client set up on Dash Client portal
☐ Product configured based on answers/confirmation from items above
☐ If new configuration/product, place test card order to confirm everything configured correctly
☐ If client is using IIC, order Inventory
☐ If client using Personalized, order them a Test card or assist with first Personalized Order
Integration Client Additional Setup
☐ Create and share BRD/Implementation Guide and Process Flow
☐ Share Program Config w/ client
☐ Setup in UAT if using API – Share Specs and Proposed Sequence Flow
☐ Share credentials/IDs for users
☐ Request test proxies if using IIC
☐ Fund VFA with ’fake money’ to test loads
☐ If FTP, set up ’test’ folder/site in PROD – so client can test full end-to-end – Share Specs, Sample Files, and Credentials
☐ IM to confirm process flow works (order/issuance, load, receipt of card/digital payment, activation process, reporting needs met)
Hold Client Demo/Training
☐ Portal demo / training complete - determine number of users and access levels
☐ Card Ordering – IIC or Personalized
☐ Card Registrations
☐ Card Servicing – Replacements, Balance Checks, Load History
☐ Shown how to load cards (either via VFA or obtaining DDA) - VFA thresholds, options for loading VFA – bank account/Dwolla, ACH.
☐ Reporting requirements/capabilities reviewed – MCR/DMCR, Order/Registration/Load Details, FTP Logs, FTP file drops, VFA history, etc.
User Setup
☐Obtain Emails, Names, Phone and access levels
☐ Add to Portal – communicate how to access/reset password
☐If FIS client, the following URL communicated to client: https://FISbusinesssuite.com
☐If PayPro client, the following URL communicated to client: https://paypro.in-prepaid.com
☐If ADS Processing/Empeon client, the following URL communicated to client: https://empeon.in-prepaid.com
☐If Vendorin client, the following URL communicated to client: https://vendorin.in-prepaid.com
Billing and SalesForce updates
☐ If client is to be billed:
☐Client information has been entered in Zoho – both Reward and Payments
☐Billing information sent to Hafsa via finance Slack channel (#finance) - if Payments
☐ If FIS client with custom billing, send billing information to Hafsa via fis-client Slack channel (#fisclient)
☐ Reward – set up in portal.
Updating SalesForce
☐ Enter the following information into Sales Force:
☐ Client ID
☐ Number of Cards Ordered
☐ Proposed Go-Live Date
☐ Any pertinent Implementation Notes (subprogram used, nuances to activation, reporting, etc.)
☐Notes on rollout plans
Program Recap
For all clients, we need to be capturing their ‘sign-off’ on everything we’ve done and setup. For FastTracks, this can be super simple. For integration/DOS, this may be a bit more detailed.
“Your setup is complete, tests successful, everything is working as expected... we’ve configured the following:
IIC, registering via the Dash client portal using employee information
Retrieving the Account and Routing numbers through the Dash client portal, saving those in your Payroll file and submitting payment via ACH
Cardholders can activate using the last four of their SSN by calling the back of the card or using our MyDashCard cardholder app
For ongoing Support, please reach out to our Account Management team at _____
Please confirm this meets your business needs and/or let me know if you have any questions.”
Share Customer Journey and any additional materials and reports useful for the client or created for the client.
Integration/DOS clients need to have the visuals and project plan/deck completed and filled in from the kickoff call.
We need to try and capture their signoff/approval in writing!
Handoff and Closing Implementation
Closing Implementation/Handoff
☐ Confirm client has tested everything, no further questions
☐ Check in w/ client on load date
☐ If Integration/Large client, confirm first few orders/loads are working
☐ Coordinate handoff call to CSM/AM if applicable – make handoff w/ client
☐ Provide any notes/documentation to AM/CSM or AM Pool as needed
☐ Certify Implementation Checklist in SF is complete (checking this box will populate the Date Implemented field in SalesForce and send the email to notify Dash Solutions this client has been successfully implemented.)