✔️ Once study is set up email: laura.velasco@sierraclinical.com and let her know the study is set up.
accounts@sierraclinical.com email for invoices
Sierra Clinical is the top group
Studies go under the group
IDH 004 - Master Funding Account is created already
In Xnet: Under Sierra Clinical Services - Client ID is 884545 add the sub-locations
In Pathward the TPA - Sierra Clinical Services LLC
Mastercard ct2 generic IIC - 18889
Make other field required and 1099
Pricing $3 per card/$1 load
Naming Convention
IDH 004 - study
IDH-004 – Holdeman
iDH-004 – Dua
iDH-004 – Connery
iDH-004 – Dharma
Configure - Campaign feature:
Client User Access Rules: