SpendIT, SendIT feature - Basic Overview of what it is and eligible programs found below.
As an Implementation Manager, you will handle the setup/configuration of SendIT modalities within a customer program in the portal when this feature is sold as part of a deal. You must also confirm (with Product and Compliance) that the Subprogram being used has SISI enabled, T&Cs configured, and the Product is in the portal.
Some of our Dash products have SISI enabled as a default, and it will be your responsibility to confirm these configs at the customer program level when onboarding the client. You can retrieve SISI details (fees, modalities to be used, etc.) from the agreement, SOW, and/or the Sales Lead.
Details and checklists on HOW you set up and configure SISI can be found below. Note the Fee setup section - this is unique to SISI and differs from our standard “Features” page we often work in.