Stran and Company Intake and Set up Process
Promotional products company, do business with TJMaxx Presidents Club
Intake from Sales |
Stran should be following one of two paths, so we need to work with them to ensure we provide the same communication moving forward: |
Collateral Set up - follow set up process by Megan P and submit a collateral request via the Collateral Questionnaire Power Apps
Adding the Branded Card Program in the Portal
Reward - Adding A Program - Physical Card
Configuring the Website and Cardholder Agreements
Reward - Configuring a product for Cardholder Website
Generating the invoice in Zoho (invoice example attached below)
Stran is the purchaser, tend to change the card design every time. Stran sends the PO, then we make an invoice, Invoice is entered and generated from Zoho. (add UPS ground or second day)
Login to Zoho
Search in Invoices - Stran
Click on +New
New Invoice
Type in Card Fee under Item Details - Choose Card Fee and add the Quantity and Rate from the PO.
Type in New Card Funding under Item Details - add amount under Quantity
Type in UPS under Item Details - choose the quantity and add this to the invoice
Save and Approve and print to PDF and send this to the client contact
Key Contacts:
Dana Harris-Railey | Account Manager - new design will most likely comes from her.
Stran Promotional Solutions |
2 Heritage Drive, Suite 600 | Quincy, MA 02171
Mobile: 770-633-7517
Farooq Shaikh - always wants to know tracking, I cc him on the email to Dana so that he can rely on Dana for the tracking information vs us.
Portal Info:
In portal as Stran and Company
Current Client ID: 3029404
Example of Email to let Dana know the program is set up - does not need to be trained, they order their cards:
To: Dana Harris-Railey
CC: Farooq Shaikh
Good morning Dana-
The program is now live and ready for you to place your card order. Please make sure you are choosing the one highlighted below for this!